by RaShell Southerland | Nov 14, 2023
Resources and homework for Constitution Alive Week 10. Links that were mentioned in class and addition resources to dig deeper.
by RaShell Southerland | Oct 31, 2023
Resources and homework for Constitution Alive Week 9. Links that were mentioned in class and addition resources to dig deeper.
by RaShell Southerland | Oct 31, 2023
Resources and homework for Constitution Alive Week 8. Links that were mentioned in class and addition resources to dig deeper.
by RaShell Southerland | Oct 26, 2023
Patriot Academy Leadership Congress 2023 Students singing the National Anthem on the last day at the Austin Capitol. Incredible!
by RaShell Southerland | Oct 26, 2023
Hannah Southerland and Joshua Southerland, brother and sister, play a piano and violin duet of the National Anthem. Hannah and Joshua are the children of Constitution Coaches, Jason & RaShell Southerland.