
At Patriot’s Hope, we host and facilitate classes on the Constitution of the United States in several different engaging and educational formats. We use courses created by Patriot Academy, play the videos and then facilitate discussions after each session in order to gain a better understanding of our founding documents. There are 3 different courses, all of which cover a basic overview of the Constitutional principles upon which our nation was founded, and the Constitution itself, but have different areas of focus. We offer these courses for free, so there’s no reason not to join us for all three!

We have hosted all of these classes and will continue to do so regularly. Please feel free to join any of our class offerings. Additionally, if you know of a group that would be interested in the materials, or a presentation of a particular class, please contact us to discuss allowing us to present a free class either online or in person! We will all come away better prepared to defend our Constitution and our American way of life!

Constitution Alive

Join David Barton and Rick Green, Constitutional experts and advocates for the original intent of our founding documents, in this one-of-a-kind course on the meaning and purpose of the Constitution!  We’ll gather together locally or in an online meeting to watch the videos and discuss the workbook as we go article-by-article through the Constitution and Bill of Rights, learn about executive orders, the Electoral college, the powers of Congress and the President, freedom of religion, the duty of citizens, and much more. Shot on location in Independence Hall, in the same room where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were written!  Constitution Alive is available in either a 6 week, or a 10 week version.  

Constitutional Defense

Join Rick Green, America’s Constitution Coach, and Brad Ackman, Director of Training at Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, for this one-of-a-kind course on the meaning and purpose of the 2nd Amendment and the entire Constitution! We’ll gather together locally or in an online meeting to watch the videos and discuss the workbook as we go article-by-article through the Constitution and Bill of Rights, learn about executive orders, the Electoral college, the powers of Congress and the President, freedom of religion, the duty of citizens, and much more. We will join Rick & Brad on site at Front Sight and also at Independence Hall, the same room where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were written.

Biblical Citizenship

This course offers the quick-start guide to the longest standing Constitution in history, complete with an overview of all the Articles, and Amendments. What sets this apart from other U.S. Constitution courses is the interactive, fast-paced presentations; the fabulous locations of Independence Hall and the Wallbuilders’ Library; and finally our Biblical heritage intricately woven throughout the entire course! You will learn how the founders relied on their Christian moorings and Biblical worldview to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. You will also be treated to encouraging historical facts and inspirational true stories that are not taught in our educational institutions today. You will be edified and equipped to operationalize your faith and practice Biblical Citizenship in Modern America!

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