R.E.C.I.P.E. for Saving America
Published on November 17, 2021
saving america

When I hear the word “Recipe”, I tend to think of my Grandma’s kitchen when I was a child. She would work in there for hours until all the goodness was ready and then the whole family would enjoy! The ironic thing, is even though the word “Recipe” evokes those memories, she never really used the recipe. She already knew how everything worked. She knew all the components that needed to be brought together, and how to bring them together to achieve the desired (delicious) result – regardless of what she was making! Even if some unexpected thing happened, she knew how to adjust and correct the problem and still get to the intended result. She certainly had all the recipes and cookbooks on hand in the cabinet somewhere, but those mostly sat there for reference and were largely not needed because we had an expert!

Our Grandparents Knew

In many ways, I think that is what has happened in our country. Our grandparents (and their parents and grandparents before them) knew how this country worked. They knew the components necessary for the American system of government to work as planned. For generations, it was well understood by so many that it escaped our attention. At the same time, those who hate our form of government have been removing those old, trusted recipe books from educational systems and public institutions so that modern generations have never developed that expertise that Grandma enjoyed. Now things are going wrong – way wrong – and we don’t know what to do. Things that would have been easy for previous generations to adjust and fix now leave us perplexed, and losing a war to keep our country. We lack the knowledge of how that recipe was supposed to come together. So many Americans are discouraged right now and do not know what to do.  The wonderful news is that Grandma’s recipe books, and her Grandma’s, and all the books all the way back to the founders themselves – are still available! What’s more is that the Constitution our founders gave us naturally protects us from the things which threaten, and this Constitution is not only still in place, but all of our leaders at all levels and regardless of political party, are all sworn to support it! That means the solution is readily available – we just have to get back to the original recipe and implement the corrections our founders called for.

There is Hope for Saving America

At Patriot’s Hope, we sincerely want to impart hope to those who love America, and we believe we have the “Recipe” for seeing things get better, based on the very Word of God, and on the original recipe books of our nation’s founders.  May we repent and turn from the sins of our nation, become equipped for the work of restoration of our country, correct the lies that have permeated our society, inform Americans with materials faithful to the original intent of our founders, return to being a nation of prayer, and encourage one another with amazing stories of patriotism throughout our history.  We feel these things will help Americans love our country again, and equip Americans to stand up for our way of life and our proper form of government.  Will you come with us on this journey and follow the same original recipe?  We are looking forward to sharing the wonderful meal of celebration with you! Thank you!


Throughout the history of the United States, from the very beginning, we have enjoyed the wonderful benefit of God’s hand of blessing on our nation. He has intervened on our behalf many times throughout our history and made the difference between national prosperity instead of destruction. We desperately need God’s hand of blessing on our nation once again. If we take an honest look at God’s Word, I think we have to admit that we cannot expect God to continue to bless a nation that has so completely embraced wretched sins against Him.  Our sins result only in God’s judgment.  Fortunately, God’s Word is not silent when people, or even nations, find themselves lost in sin. When the Temple was completed in Jerusalem, God told his people what to do when they found themselves under God’s judgment. Let’s pray He will still honor the same for us. We simply cannot keep doing things God hates and then expecting or hoping for His blessing. We have to repent of our nation’s sins. Repentance is the first and most important ingredient in the recipe to save America.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 

– 2 Chronicles 7:14 

Read “Does Repentance Matter?”


We have all the resources our founders left us that give us the original recipe for how our nation was designed to work. However, these items have been removed from our educational systems and our public institutions. The great news is we simply have to open up those resources and read them, and share them with others in order to Equip Americans with proper education of our founders, our rights, and of our form of government. At Patriot’s Hope, part of how we do this is to host free, online Patriot Academy Constitution classes. We want all Americans to know how our government was designed to work. Our government officials are already sworn to support our Constitution – their oath is a prerequisite to them taking office! So, once we learn how things are supposed to work, then we can hold our officials accountable for sticking to the document they already swore to support. This system of the people holding their government officials accountable is not revolutionary or any change to the design of our form of government. It is part of the “Checks and balances” built into how we are supposed to work. Let’s get properly equipped with the right education and get busy!

“Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.”  

– John Jay, First Chief Justice of The Supreme Court

Read “You Can’t Defend Your Rights if You Don’t Know Your Rights”


There are many lies being told to Americans today. At Patriot’s Hope, we want to do all we can to correct those lies by sharing remarkable truths of the hand of God as seen in America’s founding, our history, the way our government was designed to work, as well as truths from the Bible that teach us about the nature of man, the nature of God, and the way God would have man to live.  At Patriot’s Hope, we share truth to correct the lies. We share the truth from our founding fathers and the truth of our founding documents that tell the real story of the formation of our country.  We share truth from the Bible.  (“Thy Word is truth”, John 17:17)  We share the truth of the principles our nation was built upon.  However, we don’t want you to simply take our word for it. Take the things we write and check them with original documents. Check them against God’s Word, the Bible. If we messed something up, please show us our error from the Scriptures or from original documents. We want everything we write here to be consistent with the Word of God, and with the original writings and intentions of our founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson told us our nation’s liberties would not be secure if the conviction was removed that these liberties are the gift of God.  That conviction has been removed from the hearts of Americans by lies told over recent decades of our nation’s history.  The hope of the real patriot is for that conviction to be replaced so we know our liberty is the gift of God, and so our liberty can be secure once again. 

“God who gave us life gave us liberty.  And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God?” 

– Thomas Jefferson

Read “The Truth Is…”

RECIPE for Saving America

Intent of the founders

Part of our mission at Patriot’s Hope is to share powerful and entertaining resources and to connect readers with organizations that will help us seek out the original intent of the founders of our nation. The United States has long been the most successful nation in the world. What made us that way? Our original form of government made us successful, aided also by God’s hand of blessing since our form of government was built upon the principles of His Word, the Bible. The Declaration of Independence laid the foundational groundwork for what was important to us as a nation, and then our Constitution specifies the methodology to be employed to accomplish the limited duties of the federal government in such a way as to also provide protection of the God-given rights of Americans. Our Constitution is still in place, and all of our government officials are sworn to support it. As Americans, we need to commit ourselves to learn what it means – what it was originally intended to mean – and then hold our elected officials regardless of political party accountable to honor and obey it. We need to get back to our legitimate system of limited government, under our legitimate Constitution!

“On every question of construction (of the Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit of the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”  

– Thomas Jefferson

Read “What is Original Intent and Why Does it Matter?”


On July 20, 1775, the Continental Congress made a proclamation urging the colonies to,

“…with united hearts and voices, unfeignedly confess and deplore our many sins; and offer up our joint supplications to the all-wise, omnipotent, and merciful Disposer of all events; humbly beseeching him to forgive our iniquities, to remove our present calamities, to avert those desolating judgments, with which we are threatened…”

Continental Congress proclamation

Since our founding, America has long been a nation of prayer.  Our history from the earlier days of our nation are literally full of proclamations like this one encouraging our people to repentance and prayer. During the days of the struggle for independence from Great Britain, Benjamin Franklin said they had daily prayers – and he tells us their prayers were answered! Several of the signers of our Constitution credit God’s hand for His Divine assistance in penning the document that built our nation and accounted for all the diverse interests represented there in the Constitutional Convention. During times of national trial, even as recently as World War II, our leaders led the nation in prayers for what we were doing. As a result, these times in our history have often been those where we have seen God’s hand at work on our behalf.  Today, our nation is under severe, internal attack by those who hate our form of government. We need to become a nation of prayer once again!  We find admonitions to prayer in the Scriptures, as well as in the words of our founders. Let us delay no longer, but seek the Lord, repent of our national sins, and ask God for His hand to once again deliver our nation from danger.

Read “The Importance of Prayer”


At Patriot’s Hope, we want to provide hope to the modern-day Patriot and we want us all to learn and be encouraged by the incredible stories of our national history.  We hope you will enjoy hearing and seeing the way God has worked in amazing ways to provide for, and often to deliver, Americans from the threat of trouble.  Over the last couple years, we have seen the American form of government attacked by those who hate it and those who would destroy our freedom.  We have also seen, however, amazing stories that have clearly shown many American people still retain that fight in their heart that has always defined our nation.  Unfortunately, these stories are not being told by the mainstream media, so we want to do what we can to let patriots know these great things are happening.  As we find these encouraging stories, we will share them here and may we be encouraged together.

“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.” 

– Samuel Adams

Read “Encourage Each Other in the Truth”

Thank you for visiting Patriot’s Hope! Thank you for caring about America! We invite you to join us as we seek to follow the 6-step “Recipe” to preserve our country and our American way of life.


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About Patriot's hope

Where Patriotism is Alive and Hope Abounds!  

Patriot’s Hope is a place to encourage each other as we strive to restore the American form of Constitutional government.

We speak the truth, point out the hope, do our duty, and leave the results to God.

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  1. Chris

    I saw a show this morning in which they were discussing how media consolidation and investment have created a need to shape the Truth for power and political means. This has come to the point that stories written at a news service or central editorial staff gets sent to local reporting stations and read verbatim to the audience. Everyone gets the same story, and the narrative is closely controlled. However, the Truth is hidden by the editors and the message could mean anything. The Soviets used the same methods to control narratives.

    • Jason Southerland

      Thank you for the comment – yes I agree the way the media spins every story to fit their agenda is so bad. That’s one reason “Correct” is one of the points of the recipe. We can’t allow ourselves to be deceived by the lies fed to us from so many directions. Thank you again for your comment!

  2. Ralph Walls

    Recipe is a great article and the first I have read. Will share on my Facebook page encouraging others to take a step in increasing their knowledge of the constitution and their duty to protect it.

    • Jason Southerland

      Wow – thank you so much for the encouraging note and for reposting! Our heart is to get the word out to as many Americans as possible so we can all re-learn the truths of our founding documents and hold our officials accountable. Thank you for helping us do that!

    • Jorge Herrera

      Yes, great article. It was a little difficult to get to the article, there are a couple of links (Read R-E-C-I-P-E) that lead nowhere. I hope those links are corrected.

      • Jason Southerland

        Oh no! I checked the links in this article and couldn’t find any problems. Please let me know where they are and I will fix them! Thank you!

  3. Ken Clifton

    You’re right; we can’t defend our rights if we don’t know what they are. We must return to the RECIPE that our forefathers gave us.

    I love the scripture you quoted:

    “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
    – 2 Chronicles 7:14

    This is deeper than many believe. It starts at home as an individual, then moves to the spouse, children, parents, and siblings. It then moves to our friends and coworkers. From there the entire workplace, then the company, to our neighborhood, to the Burrough, to the city, to the state, to the entire country. All because ONE person decided to repent, and pray.

    You have to start somewhere. I’ll start with myself and let the ripple in the pond turn into a title wave.

    Also we have to let as many as we can that there is so much fake information out there. Only when we KNOW, can we discern the truth. Remember Satan is a liar.

    • Jason Southerland

      Amen, amen, amen! I really love what you said about how it starts with each of us as individuals and then ripples out to impact the whole country. Amen – count me in – I will start with myself also and will enjoy watching that tidal wave too!

  4. Glenn Curlett

    Thank you for taking the time to put thoughts to print. I appreciate the added reading for each letter representing R.E.C.I.P.E.. May we be inspired to be part of making the difference so that the United States of America will be a God loving country for our grandchildren.

    • Jason Southerland

      Amen! Praying God will lead us all toward repentance that we will turn from our wicked ways and He will heal our land. I pray often for the country my children and grandchildren will have to raise their families. May God restore and preserve this land. Thank you for being part of that fight and thank you for your comment!

  5. Lynda Miller

    Jason you reminded me of my grandmother and great grandmother. When we would go to visit them I spent countless hours with her in the kitchen. She never used a recipe book, card or scrape of paper they just cooked and baked. I learned that I needed to get so familiar with the ingredients and the recipe that it was a memory that would never go away. She would have me close my eyes and determine if I was smelling the right things or feel for texture and weight. She taught me to be confident and to not depend on a written recipe. I could breathe my way through the recipe in my soul. I don’t know how else to say it. She also taught me to sew on an old Singer treadle machine. She taught me to feel and breathe the fabric and to close my eyes and see what I wanted to make and then follow my instincts. I feel the same way about prayer and my love for my country. I feel my way through everything. I know when it’s not right and when it is exactly right. When I was young I didn’t know it was God because my father wouldn’t let us be taught “religion”. So my wonderful sweet Swedish grandmother taught me to breathe, listen, feel,taste and smell my way through life. It was actually my way of connecting with God. I just didn’t know it.

    • Jason Southerland

      Wow, thank you for this perspective. My Grandmother could also sew anything from clothing to all kind of decorations or anything else… Thank you for your comment.

  6. Lela G. Goar

    The Recipe is a wonderful article and I loved the information that was included to go with each word. When I was growing up our country was very different from what it is today and I know that I must take some blame for what it has become. We must start speaking out and letting our leaders know that enough is enough and we intend to take our country back again. As I have gone through the Biblical Citizenship class and now starting the Constitution Alive class, I realize how much I missed in my education. My history classes in public school and college consisted of so much memorization that I really didn’t get much out of it. I wish I could go back and tell my teachers how much they cheated me out of by not covering the constitution and how our country was put together. Thank goodness for my parents for instilling in me the pride of living in America and knowing that we were free. I am committed to getting more involved in what is happening and seeing what I can do in the time I have left here on earth to getting God back into our schools, communities and government. It starts with the individual and need to pray daily.

    • Jason Southerland

      Amen! We hear that from many people as they come through the classes. They are frustrated with their education, etc. The thing is I think we need to keep in mind is not to beat ourselves up. These truths have been intentionally removed from our educational and public institutions. However, I agree it is time we take it all back! Let’s take it all back to the original design of our founders and back under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ as it was designed to be. Thank you for your commitment to help take it back, and thank you for the comment!

  7. Norm Stewart

    Jason, the article on RECIPE is brilliant, and thank you for articulating the truths behind it so well. As part of our class assignment, I read President Coolidge’s 4th of July speech and was immediately struck by how what he delivered contrasts with the “woke” thinking so prevalent in our society today. Americans are ignorant fools and are allowing bloviating puppet masters to dictate a future they do not want. I believe that God is in total control of events as they unfold, but my humanity cannot allow me not to do something. I am here to learn what can I do, one man, to turn the tide.

    • Jason Southerland

      Amen – that is all we can do is to plug into where God would have us and get busy! That’s why RaShell and I do the classes and write these articles with a heart to share with as many Americans as we can reach. Thank you for being part of the class and for your comment!

  8. Julia A

    I really enjoyed the way this was broken down to something that really hits home with me RECIPE. We have drifted away from the good that our founding fathers want for us and changed up the recipe. Government now uses their own interpretation to suit them and their party, while all others suffer. God does not want us to suffer, He does want us to absolutely go through trials and tribulation to gain wisdom and increase our Faith. God is still in control, and we do need to repent every single day, ask God to forgive our sins and for us to forgive other.

    • Jason Southerland

      Amen – God is in control and He can take this thing back anytime He wants. Either way, we need to be faithful to Him and faithful to whatever He has given us to steward – like our freedom and form of government. I don’t fully understand how repentance is linked to God working on behalf of the country, but it is too frequent in the Scriptures to miss. Thank you for the comment!

  9. Donna

    This is a great article and a great RECIPE! Thanks for consolidating this into action steps!!

    • Jason Southerland

      Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope we do these things (plus all the stuff I’m sure I missed!) and save this great nation. Thank you for your comment!

  10. Majorie Davis

    This is a great encouragment to hold our elected officials accountable to support and defend the constitution. This interview by Senator Kennedy was a very sad example of judge candidates who don’t know what is in the constitution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNlfbQ-WbFY

    • Jason Southerland

      Yes – that video is a sad example for sure! This judge has spent a career under oath to support and defend the Constitution, and she can’t even give a high level statement about the contents of two of its articles. Crazy… We have to hold these people accountable to uphold their oath! Thank you so much for your comment!

  11. Suzy Enney

    Great article. It truly brings question to one. Your order is very well done as each topic area adds clarity and provides understanding. It gave me pause to think about how I love to bake and often take a recipe and try different spices, liquids, fruits or nuts. Sometimes it’s a great new taste, texture, etc. Other times it’s a flop. But the foundation, the original recipe was still intact. Our foundation is still intact. God never changes. In our own ignorance we moved. I believe we waking up and He hears our prayers . Thank you again.

    • Jason Southerland

      I think so too! I think Americans are waking up and I believe we are calling out to God. I pray He will heal our land. I think He will! I am so grateful the books are still there and all our officials are sworn to support the Constitution. We just have to learn it and hold them accountable to their oath! Thank you so much for your class participation and your comment.

  12. Madison

    It is our responsibility to protect the constitution and share it with other people, this was a great article because it highlights a lot of good points and quotes that people need to hear today so we can protect our freedom and country.

    • Jason Southerland

      Thank you for your comment! You and Savannah are such an encouragement! Mrs RaShell and I will do whatever we can to help you guys learn and be prepared to share these truths with others! Thank you again!

  13. Savannah

    I like the R.E.C.I.P.E acronym!! Each letter gives us a better understanding of steps of action we can take!! Also, reading this article reminded me of my grandma, she bakes lots of delicious desserts and other meals, half the time she doesn’t use a recipe, or she takes thigs out and adds new things, it reminded me that The Constitution will never change, it is still the original foundation, nothing can be “added or taken out”. It also reminds me that God will never change, and he really does hear us.

    • Jason Southerland

      Amen – thank you for your comments and all your participation! Yes, we need to be familiar with these things that we know how to do things within the “recipe”, and to know what works and what doesn’t, etc. Thank you again for your comments and participation!

      • J Hopgood


  14. Jeffrey Segal

    I agree that we need to be teaching our country’s history as it happened. But sorry to say these days we have people that think that America was bad and did things that were bad. And they want to only teach the bad things. And not teach what the country did to fix the bad things. And we also now keep putting elected officials in office that hate the country and its people. And they also seemed to forget that America was founded on a limited government based on FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND OF THE PEOPLE. And that them being elected to office only have the office because WE THE PEOPLE LET THEM HACE IT. They need to be reminded that they work on our behalf and are suppose to do what we want them to do and not what their party wants. And our elected officials also need to reread the Constitution and understand just what it says and means what it allows them to do and what it doesn’t allow them to do. Because it seems that they have forgotten it all. And time for them to relearn it.

    • Jason Southerland

      Amen! Your comment reminds me of a President Calvin Coolidge quote that I like to read from time to time. He said, “The country is better off tranquilly considering its blessings and merits and earnestly striving to secure more of them than it would be in nursing hostile bitterness about its deficiencies and faults.” We need to be busy making sure the rising generation knows the blessings and merits of this great country, and we do not need to incite division based upon an exaggerated view of our deficiencies and faults. Thank you for your comment!



  1. The Importance of Prayer | Patriot's Hope - […] Prayer is the “P” in R.E.C.I.P.E. […]

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