Patriot’s Hope

Where Patriotism is Alive and Hope Abounds!

A place to encourage each other as we strive to restore the American form of Constitutional government.

patriot shoppe

People are looking for direction and YOU can show your HOPE every day! Visit the Patriot Shoppe where you can find products that bring hope and encouragement to yourself and others.


We host a variety of free, online classes using entertaining and informative materials by Patriot Academy. We hope you will join us!


We desire to share trusted resources, along with materials we have created to help you and your family dig deeper.

New in our blog

What Can I Do?

As we have talked with people over the last couple years – usually in the setting of facilitating a constitution class - there is a common question that comes up.  The more we learn about the original intent of our founding fathers, the more we learn about how our form of government is supposed to work, the more we find out how messed up...

R.E.C.I.P.E. for Saving America

When I hear the word "Recipe", I tend to think of my Grandma's kitchen when I was a child. She would work in there for hours until all the goodness was ready and then the whole family would enjoy! The ironic thing, is even though the word "Recipe" evokes those memories, she never really used the recipe. She already knew how everything worked. She...

Are we Losing our Unalienable Rights?

Inside: Unalienable rights are given to us from God and cannot be legitimately taken away – except by God or by legitimate action of God’s minister properly carrying out God’s authority. In our turbulent political times, we often hear someone on either end of the political spectrum talking about losing their rights.  Perhaps in conservative...

Some Thoughts on President Trump’s Inauguration Day

Inside: May the true leader of this nation not be a President of flesh and blood but rather be the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.” Isaiah 33:22 I wasn’t planning to write an article today.  However, I had to sit down and share some thoughts about the...

She is My Wife… Not My Partner

Inside: We cannot allow the institution of marriage, created by God Himself, to be hijacked and made into something pretended to be equal to marriage. It was a hot, June day in Idaho.  RaShell was beautiful in her wedding dress.  After the reception, she and I walked out together with our friends and family lined up on each side...
original intent

What is Original Intent and Does it Matter?

"Intent" is the "I" in R.E.C.I.P.E. When we say "Original Intent", we simply mean going back to what the founders originally meant when they wrote the documents upon which our nation was founded. I find it...

where does truth come from

The Truth is…

"Correct" is the "C" in R.E.C.I.P.E. “God who gave us life gave us liberty.  And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the...

Blog Categories

take action prayer

What Can I Do?

As we have talked with people over the last couple years – usually in the setting of facilitating a constitution class - there is a common question that comes up.  The more we learn about the original intent of our founding fathers, the...

saving america

R.E.C.I.P.E. for Saving America

When I hear the word "Recipe", I tend to think of my Grandma's kitchen when I was a child. She would work in there for hours until all the goodness was ready and then the whole family would enjoy! The ironic thing, is even though the word...


For Unto You is Born This Day…

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude...

Thanksgiving bike ride thank

An Unparalleled And Surprising Thanksgiving Bike Ride

INSIDE: May we, especially on this day of Thanksgiving, thank Him for His amazing hand of blessing on this nation.  May we continue to pray for our country and for our leaders.   With great effort, the little boy pedaled his...

legitimate extension cord

The 47 Foot Extension Cord

Inside: Government at war with the Law of God has cut its source of jurisdiction, authority, and power and must be restored to be effective and legitimate government once again.  I remember one day the bushes in front of my house were WAY out of...


Where Does Legitimate Authority Come From?

Inside: Our Founders wrote the Constitution to make every effort to ensure they were in line with God’s proper line of authority. The smoke from the battlefield wafted through the air above the scorched ground which had recently been so hotly...

Blog Categories


Enjoy our free library of trusted recommendations, along with some new materials we have created to help you dig deeper in learning about our incredible country.

Founding documents

What did those original documents REALLY say?  We have several printable versions for your use.



In our Founding Fathers’ own words...  Inspirational quotes for your use or to share on social media.  

Patriot Profiles

Come meet some Patriots!  Printable fact sheets about amazing men and women from history.


Want to learn more?  Find great organizations, books, games, movies, and other recommendations to help you dig deeper.

Kids Corner

We are creating resources to teach the next generation about our incredible country.

Take Action!

Find valuable information as you join us in bringing back hope and restoring our American form of government. If you’re wondering what the next steps are, here are a few places to start:

Take a Class

Any path forward to restore freedom in our country requires Americans to understand the way our form of government was designed to work. We host a variety of free, online classes using entertaining and informative materials by Patriot Academy. We hope you will join us!  Read More…

Explore Resources

We share our favorite products and organizations that provide wonderful resources that present genuine facts about America’s history and our proper form of government.  Don’t waste time and money on materials that tell lies!  Read More…

Act Now!

When Americans learn how things are supposed to work, their most often asked question is,“What can I do? This isn’t the same for everyone – God has a place for you to get into the fight! We know of several great organizations that will help get you plugged in!  Read More…

I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

Thomas Jefferson

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