Action Steps
A Prayer for Our Great Nation

A Prayer for Our Great Nation

Inside: Join us as we pray that our Nation will wake up, humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, turn from our...

First amendment

First Amendment Victory

Wow!  May 31, 2022, seems like a long time ago!  That is when we posted an article called, Does Free...

But if not

But if Not…

At the end of Daniel Chapter 2, we learn that King Nebuchadnezzar, at the request of Daniel, set Shadrach, Meshach,...

Armor of God

No Sightseeing Tour No How

Inside: May we be inspired by heroes from the pages of Scripture, who put on the armor of God, and got busy in the...

Stronger Man Nation Dragon

A Dragon Needs to Die

The knight was weary and longed for rest.  It had been an arduous journey, filled with battles.  To the...

A Tale of Two Men pilgrim

A Tale of Two Men

On September 6, 1620, a small ship called The Mayflower departed Plymouth Harbor in England, headed for the new...


Broken Promises

The destructive events of the last few weeks rolled around endlessly in Jina’s mind.  Everything she loved in...

how to do more than just vote

How to Do More than Just Vote

This past week I received an email newsletter from iVoterGuide. When I read it, I knew immediately that this fit in...

Become a Constitution Coach

Become a Constitution Coach

“We in America do not have government by the majority – we have government by the majority who participate…  All...

take action prayer

What Can I Do?

As we have talked with people over the last couple years – usually in the setting of facilitating a constitution...

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