Help Send Young Patriots to Patriot Academy Leadership Congress
Published on January 31, 2022
Patriot Academy Bootcamp

** Update! Tuition for all three of our Leadership students has been completely covered! We are blown away and humbled by the beyond generous contributions of so many of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We are very grateful for the blessing of others standing with us in this fight to save our country and our form of government. After the camp this summer, we will have our students share with us some of what they learned. Thank you again so much! – Jason & RaShell

Patriot Academy Boot Camp is renamed to Patriot Academy Leadership Congress

As we have hosted free, online, Constitution classes over the last 18 months or so, many of you have asked for ways you can jump in to become more involved and help out.  We wanted to touch bases with you to let you know one thing our family is working on, and if you are looking for a way to help, we would appreciate that as well! 

For those who have followed Patriot Academy, or attended any of the classes, you have likely seen plugs built into the materials for their Patriot Academy Leadership Congress (formerly called Boot Camp) program.  This is a program for 16-25 year old patriots to go to a State Capitol where they learn valuable lessons of how to fight for the future of this country.  They learn how to recognize good legislation vs bad.  They learn the state legislative process so they will know better how to get involved as a citizen and go speak at committee meetings for or against legislation being considered in their State Capitols.  They learn how to speak confidently and present their case at these meetings.  They assume the role of State Representatives and work for or against sample legislation.  They are mentored by a host of top-notch speakers.  They interact with other Patriots their age and forge friendships with those who will be engaged with them in this fight over the course of their professional careers. 

This is Patriot Academy Leadership Congress!

I have had opportunity to meet several alumni from this amazing program, and I am consistently floored by their professionalism, knowledge, energy, and confidence.  I find hope and encouragement for the future of the United States when I hear from these exceptional young patriots.  At some point, I realized I have three of my own children that are in this age group and need to go to this program!  All three of them have submitted their applications, been accepted, and are working through the preparation materials to attend the national Leadership Congress at the Texas Capitol this summer. 

Since so many of you have asked how you could help, or be involved, we wanted to let you know we are raising funds to help cover the tuition costs ($900.00 each) for the Leadership Congress for our three young patriots, Hannah (22), Daniel (19), and Joshua (16).  If you would like to help, we would appreciate donations of any size.  Donations are tax deductible and can be made directly to Patriot Academy via the links provided below.  Thank you again for being in this fight with us to save our country.  As you have opportunity, we hope to see you soon in another Constitution course. 

Donations are tax deductible


Thank you again! 
Jason & RaShell Southerland
Constitution Coaches

Meet our young patriots

Hannah Patriot Academy Boot Camp
Hannah owns a music studio and is the Treasurer of the Ellis County Young Republicans group.  To help her raise the funds to attend Patriot Academy Boot Camp, your tax deductible donation can be given here:
Daniel Patriot Academy Boot Camp
Daniel is a sales representative at Acrylic Source and is the President of the Ellis County Young Republicans group.  To help him raise the funds to attend Patriot Academy Boot Camp, your tax deductible donation can be given here:
Joshua Patriot Academy Boot Camp
Joshua owns J Alex Bakery and is active in the Ellis County Young Republicans group.  To help him raise the funds to attend Patriot Academy Boot Camp, your tax deductible donation can be given here:

Thank you so much!


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About Patriot's hope

Where Patriotism is Alive and Hope Abounds!  

Patriot’s Hope is a place to encourage each other as we strive to restore the American form of Constitutional government.

We speak the truth, point out the hope, do our duty, and leave the results to God.

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