by RaShell Southerland | Dec 17, 2021
In 1776, 56 men signed their names on a document that they knew might well mean their certain deaths as traitors to England. Standing on principles of faith and liberty, these men forged a powerful call for freedom and human dignity still resonating today in America....
by RaShell Southerland | Nov 24, 2021
As America stands at the crossroads of history, there is a need for us to look back and rediscover the vision of those who laid the groundwork and built the foundation that made our nation great. The Founders’ Bible will renew your hope and invigorate your...
by RaShell Southerland | Nov 23, 2021
A week-by-week resource guide that corresponds to Biblical Citizenship in Modern American course. A list of previewed and recommended resources to supplement and further your study of the Biblical foundations of our country. We only recommend things we have seen or...
by RaShell Southerland | Nov 18, 2021
Have fun completing this patriotic word scramble worksheet. Answer key included. Use this to supplement a study of American History, the American Revolution, or just for fun! Works well for history, fourth of July, homeschool co-ops, or families. Make sure to check...