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For You They Signed

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Why Patriot's Hope Likes It

This is one of our favorite and most recommended resources for learning about our incredible Godly heritage. For You They Signed is one of the books that we have purchased for each of our children so when they leave home, they can take it with them. The information is accurate and the stories about these men are captivating. Don’t miss this incredible book.


In 1776, 56 men signed their names on a document that they knew might well mean their certain deaths as traitors to England.

Standing on principles of faith and liberty, these men forged a powerful call for freedom and human dignity still resonating today in America. Yet, historical revisionists have distorted or attempted to wipe away every trace of this nation`s Christian heritage, including the heartfelt faith of these founding fathers.

More than simply facts and figures, For You They Signed provides an abundance of resources within one volume, including: a full year of life-changing, challenging family or group devotional character studies, over 90 illustrations, biographical summaries, and insightful quotes, character quality definitions, Patrick Henry`s speech delivered to the signers, the Christian nature of state constitutions, and the Christian nature of America`s universities.

Watch the video promo of For You They Signed:

For You They Signed by Marilyn Boyer

Check out our worksheets on the Signers of the Declaration in our Kids Coner!

For more information on For You They Signed please visit the following site...

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Where Patriotism is Alive and Hope Abounds!  

Patriot’s Hope is a place to encourage each other as we strive to restore the American form of Constitutional government.

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