A Tale of Two Men

A Tale of Two Men

On September 6, 1620, a small ship called The Mayflower departed Plymouth Harbor in England, headed for the new world.  The passengers of this humble vessel were the Pilgrims that would later form the colony at Plymouth, Massachusetts, and become seeds bearing...
How to Do More than Just Vote

How to Do More than Just Vote

This past week I received an email newsletter from iVoterGuide. When I read it, I knew immediately that this fit in exactly with the goal of the Action Steps series here at Patriot’s Hope. Pay attention to what they say. They are experts when it comes to voting,...
Become a Constitution Coach

Become a Constitution Coach

“We in America do not have government by the majority – we have government by the majority who participate…  All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”-Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson’s words seem to reverberate in...

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