Do Not Fire Unless Fired Upon
Published on April 19, 2024
Let It Begin Here

On the night of April 18, 1775, a Brigade of over 700 British soldiers, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Smith, were marching toward Lexington, with “hostile design”.  These were the coming “Red Coats” who were the reason for Paul Revere’s midnight ride, and the subject of his cries of alarm on that night.  The British soldiers arrived in Lexington, Massachusetts, early in the morning of April 19, 1775, and were met by the valiant and brave militia of that town – about 70 men lined up against over 700 in defense of liberty.  All of the militia men were from the church in Lexington, whose pastor was Jonas Clark.

 “Disperse, you rebels!”, commanded one of the British officers, “Lay down your arms!”  At the head of the militia men stood their valiant Captain John Parker.  Captain Parker bravely instructed his men, “Do not fire unless fired upon…  but if they mean to have a war…  Let it begin here!” 

A year later, in April 1776, Jonas Clark gave a sermon on remembering that eventful morning a year prior.  In that sermon, he said:

“May this day be remembered, to the glory of God, and our own instruction and improvement, so long as we live.”            

Pastor Jonas Clark, referring to April 19th

The Battle of Lexington

 For this reason, and in recognition of the heroic actions of those brave patriots in Lexington that morning, I wanted to publish this article today, April 19, 2024, the 249th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington.  In his 1776 sermon, Pastor Clark said the British killed 8 of their men that morning, and an additional 10 were wounded.  He attributes the small number of losses to “Divine goodness” but is also clearly affected by the loss of these men from their number, even a year later when he delivered the sermon.  (Read Pastor Jonas Clark’s full sermon here)

If we are truly going to honor the contributions of these brave patriots, we need to understand what they were trying to do.  In Proverbs 24, we read a significant Bible verse:

My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change: For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?           

Proverbs 24:21-22

According to this verse, we should not be engaged in trying to change our form of government.  On this anniversary of that historic day on April 19, 1775, a question I think we need to ask is, “Were these people given to change?”  What were our forefathers trying to accomplish?  Were they trying to overthrow rightful government?  I think it is important to ask (and answer) this question, because the answer will also be immediately relevant to today’s task of fighting the direction our country is moving.    

In a great little book entitled Sir William Blackstone & The Common Law, by Dr. Robert D. Stacey, on page 70, the author summarized the observations of nineteenth century French historian Frederick Gentz and said, “From the colonists’ perspective, they were fighting to preserve a system of law and liberties, not to overthrow one”.   When I read this portion of Dr. Stacey’s book, I wanted to stand up and cheer.  Our founders were fighting to preserve the rights they enjoyed as Englishmen.  These legitimate rights had been established and recognized through the preceding centuries of British history.  It was King George who was looking to change things – and without legitimate jurisdiction to do so.  So, in the context of Proverbs 24, it was King George who was “given to change”, and who should expect “calamity to rise suddenly”. 

Not Given to Change

I find this point critically important to the current conversation in our country.  Those who hate our form of government and would move us away from our Constitution and to Marxism often make conservatives out to be the revolutionaries.  However, all we want is for our government officials to honor and obey the very Constitution they swore to uphold when they accepted their office.  We are not given to change!  The other side is!  Our Constitution is the rightful form of government for this country which is why Article 6 requires all of our officials – regardless of political party – to swear an oath to support it.  Our Constitution will naturally protect us against Marxism and other evils.  However, that requires our officials to honor their oaths and stick to our proper form of government. 

Those officials who do not honor the Constitution, or respect the limits it sets on government, are seeking to overthrow our rightful, Constitutional form of government and establish a different government.  They are given to change…  not us.  Our founders wanted to preserve rightful liberties they enjoyed as Englishmen.  We want to preserve our precious form of American Constitutional government. 

Let it begin here

Look again at the short quote above from Pastor Jonas Clark about April 19th. It is taken from his April 1776 sermon which was given 2 and a half months before even the Declaration of Independence.  It says, “May this day be remembered, to the glory of God, and our own instruction and improvement, so long as we live.”  Consider, however, how the quote continues.  If we keep reading, he goes on to say…

“But this is not by us alone, that this day is to be noticed.—This ever memorable day is full of importance to all around—to this whole land and nation; and big with the fate of Great Britain and America.—From this remarkable day will an important era begin for both America and Britain. And from the nineteenth of April, 1775, we may venture to predict, will be dated, in future history, THE LIBERTY or SLAVERY of the AMERICAN WORLD, according as a sovereign God shall see fit to smile, or frown upon the interesting cause, in which we are engaged.”                                                                                                                                         

Pastor Jonas Clark

April 19, 1775 turned out to be the mark of Liberty for America as we went on to see how a sovereign God smiled upon this country throughout the War for Independence, as well as countless times through our subsequent history.  Once again, however, those who are given to change are at our door.  Once again, Captain Parker’s rallying cry goes out.  Once again, we will see whether God will smile on us and whether this April 19th will lead us toward the Liberty of our rightful form of government, or toward the slavery of Marxism that those who hate our Constitution seek to institute. 

“Do not fire unless fired upon…  but if they mean to have a war…  Let it begin here!” 

Captain John Parker, Lexington, April 19, 1775

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About Patriot's hope

Where Patriotism is Alive and Hope Abounds!  

Patriot’s Hope is a place to encourage each other as we strive to restore the American form of Constitutional government.

We speak the truth, point out the hope, do our duty, and leave the results to God.

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  1. Tim Rennie

    Thank you for this post!

    As conservatives we unknowingly cede the moral high ground to the very ones who promote the change away from the original text by not actively speaking up and defending our constitution, the rights, and freedom it beholds from the tyranny of those in charge who claim “defense of democracy” as they plow forward with their marxism.

    We must all stand up and be counted as defenders or the original text or we deserve what we get.

    • Jason Southerland

      Amen! May we all stand up, may we all defend. Thank you so much for your kind words and all your support. I pray America will turn from her wicked ways and turn to God in repentance. May we work to restore this great nation upon her great principles. Thank you so much for your comment!

  2. Sean Nelson

    Amazing as usual, thanks Southerland, you are amazing and inspiring Patriots!

    • Jason Southerland

      Thank you! We love what we are doing and are grateful for the opportunity to be a voice for the correct form of government this country is supposed to have! We are also consistently grateful for the chance to work with others like yourself who are so committed to these same principles! Thank you again for your comment!

  3. Jeffrey Segal

    This was a great blog. And also sorry to say that today we do have a group of people in our government that want to turn America into a country that it was not founded on. And that they have also broken their oath of office as well. And this is because they seem to think that they know what is best for us. When in fact they don’t. And also sorry to say they just want power over everything and everyone. And they seem to forget what the Constitution says. and because of this they also keep trying to pass laws that go against what the Constitution says. And take away the rights that the Constitution not only gives us but also protects those rights that are given to us by our creator. And it is time for WE THE PEOPLE to remind of just what the Constitution says. And also just who they work for. And to do this WE THE PEOPLE need to start voting them out of office in all elections.

    • Jason Southerland

      Amen! Yes, sir, let’s vote them all out and get real Patriots in their place who will follow their oath, and follow our Constitution! Our Constitution will naturally protect us against those who ignore the limits, if those in office will use it!
      It establishes such a brilliant system of checks and balances – but for it to work, there has to be somebody (or a group of somebodies) in office that care more for the good of the country than for their own power. I think we are starting to move some things in the right direction. Thank you for your comment!


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